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We exist to engage people in the  process of knowing Jesus Christ.

At Grace, we’re driven by the belief that Jesus wants a relationship with each one of us. Our ministries are geared towards helping you take your Next Step in your relationship with Jesus.

Small Groups

Doing life together in community is one of our core values. We have seen it become a catalyst for life-change as we grow together in our relationships with Christ. Small groups are our main avenues for community and spiritual growth.

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Grace Kidz

Grace Fellowship is a place where every kid belongs. While your kids (infants – 5th grade) are in Childrens Church they will experience biblical truth, engaging worship, and relationship-driven small groups. We are here to engage children and families in the process of knowing Jesus Christ. 

Grace Youth

Grace Youth is a place where middle school and high school students can belong,
find community, and find vibrant life in Jesus. Students gather for worship,
​Biblical teaching, and small groups on
Sundays @5pm
Location: The Hamiltons Household 

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507 W Five Notch Rd.
North Augusta, SC 29860


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